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2014 1-4月雅思口语重点问题

2014-01-25 15:49 作者:admin 浏览:
Dictionary 喜欢纸质还是电子,有无收到字典做礼物,多久查一次,使用吗,用什么,字典对自己的影响,编写字典的工作累吗
Wild animals 最喜欢的野生动物是什么,养过宠物吗,喜欢养吗, 去过动物园吗,经常去吗
Trains 喜欢坐火车吗,喜欢火车旅行吗,火车与飞机比好处是什么,未来火车还会流行吗,选择火车旅行的人多吗
Children’s activities 现在和过去儿童活动区别,更喜欢哪个,户外还是室内
Language 现在说什么语言,怎么看待学语言这件事,学英语难吗,以后会学其他语言吗
Rain 喜欢下雨天吗,为什么,你的国家下雨多么,下雨时的心情,什么时候下雨最多(最少),现在气候和原来有什么差别
Sunshine History Party Internet Singing
Walking Politeness News Sport Cook
Relatives Bicycle Weather Television Birthday
Part 2 新题
人物类 Describe an intelligent person
Describe a person who helped you
地点类 Describe a garden/park
Describe a place you visited to learn another culture
Describe a place you want to go to but not in your country
Describe a place far away from your home
Describe an important building
Describe a restaurant
物品类 Describe an interesting advertisement
Describe an interesting old thing in your family
Describe the thing you enjoy reading
Describe a product made in your region
Describe a film you dislike
Describe a season you like
事件类 Describe a conversation with a stranger
Describe a time you forget something
Describe a time you save money for a special thing
Describe a busy time in your life

    王岚老师:  QQ 1563070754  Tel:13517278072 (美国/新加坡)
    周小莹老师:QQ 2531242121  Tel:18971029066 (加拿大/英国/澳洲/香港) 
    何健老师:  QQ 1610183 Tel:13986094330 (意大利/韩国) 
    邢媛媛老师:QQ 1428453726 Tel:13607171671(暑期课程, 外语培训)


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