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芬兰阿尔托大学(免学费 英文授课)

2013-03-19 12:20 作者:admin 浏览:
原赫尔辛基理工大学(芬兰语:Teknillinen korkeakoulu,简写:TKK;瑞典语:Tekniska högskolan),位于芬兰赫尔辛基卫星城埃斯波的奥塔涅米,是芬兰顶尖的理工科国立大学。赫尔辛基理工大学于1849年成立于赫尔辛基市区,1908年升级为大学。1966年迁来现址。目前有246位教授以及超过1万5千名注册学生。2008年1月1日,学校进行结构调整,重组之后学校现设立4个学部(包括化学与材料科学学院,电子、通讯及自动化学院,工程及建筑学院,信息及自然科学学院),下辖25个系以及若干个独立单元。赫尔辛基理工大学颁发以下方面学位:工程学位 (芬兰语:diplomi-insinööri,或DI),建筑学位,景观设计学位以及博士学位。根据芬兰理工科大学的定义,赫尔辛基理工大学原来只颁发硕士或更高级别学位;2005年实施博洛尼亚进程后,也开始颁发学士学位。赫尔辛基理工大学提供本科、硕士与博士层次的高等教育,其授课语言为芬兰语和瑞典语,同时,也开设了部分英语授课专业。该校开设的专业有通讯工程,电气工程,房地产投资与融资,生物信息学,服务设计与工程等等。2010年1月,赫尔辛基理工大学与赫尔辛基经济学院和赫尔辛基艺术设计大学合并成一所新的大学。新大学定名为阿尔托大学(芬兰语:Aalto-yliopisto;瑞典语:Aalto-universitetet)。正式更名为阿尔托大学理工学院。

Technology Master's Programmes

Nordic Master's Programmes

赫尔辛基经济学院(Helsinki School of Economics,简称HSE)成立于1911年,乃全欧第一所商学院。芬兰首都赫尔辛基是NOKIA全球营运总部,而赫尔辛基经济学院即被视为NOKIA的商管创意摇篮。赫尔辛基经济学院之高阶企管硕士(EMBA)2006年于英国《金融时报》教育评鉴中获得全球第80名的殊荣;2007年10月HSE排名晋升至第77名。赫尔辛基经济学院下辖会计与财政系,商业技术系,经济系,语言与传播系,营销与管理系等五个系。赫尔辛基经济学院提供本科和研究生层次的高等教育,授课语言为芬兰语和英语。本科专业有会计、财政与商法,商业技术,经济学,国际商务,管理学,市场营销学,研究生专业有工商管理学(MBA),高阶企管硕士(EMBA),会计学,商法,信息与服务管理,财政学,经济学,零售与渠道管理企业学等等。
 Bachelor’s degree is 3 years and 2 years for the Master’s degree.
Bachelor's Programmes
芬兰赫尔辛基艺术设计大学(芬兰语Taideteollinen korkeakoulu ,瑞典语Konstindustriella högskolan)成立于1871年,是一所公立研究型大学,提供本科、硕士及博士层次的高等教育。赫尔辛基艺术设计大学的授课语言为芬兰语,瑞典语和英语。赫尔辛基艺术设计大学下辖电影,电视和制片设计学院,媒体实验室,设计学院,艺术教育学院,视觉文化学院,波里艺术与媒体学院等六个教研单位。赫尔辛基艺术设计大学的本科阶段全部用芬兰语授课,专业如室内建筑与家具设计,工业设计,陶瓷和玻璃设计,时装与服装设计,纺织艺术设计,美术研究,摄影术等等,研究生专业有新媒体,视觉文化,商业创新管理,时装与服装设计,纺织艺术设计,应用艺术与设计,空间设计,美术,环境艺术,平面设计,摄影,艺术教育,导演,纪实电影,工业与战略设计,创新商业管理,电子教育设计等等。

Art & Design Master's Programmes

Scholarships and fees


Aalto University offers the highest level of education in economics, art and design, and technology in Finland. By merging Finland’s premier business, technology, and art and design universities in 2010, the resulting institution, Aalto University, envisions a future that is international, multi-disciplinary, and full of opportunities.

Aalto University provides a wide range of Master’s programmess which are taught entirely in English. These programmes are targeted for all nationalities. For the intake of 2011 and 2012, the programmes listed below will charge a tuition fee of 8000 EUR/academic year from non—EU/EEA-citizens. Aalto University offers also scholarships for non-EU/EEA-citizens in these programmes. 

There continues to be no tuition fee for EU/EEA citizens. Check all details about the tuition fee and Aalto University scholarships below.

Schools of Science, Electrical Engineering and Engineering:

School of Economics

School of Art and Design

Cross disciplinary Degree Programmes

Tuition fees are charged/scholarships are offered for

  • non-EU/EEA citizens

Tuition fee: 8000 EUR/academic year.

There are no tuition fees/scholarships for:

  • citizens of EU/ EEA (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein) countries, citizens of Switzerland
  • non-EU/EEA citizens who are equivalent to a European Union citizens
  • non-EU/EEA citizens who have a right to permanent residence in Finland
  • non-EU/EEA-citizens who have completed or who will complete Finnish Higher Education degree (university degree or degree from university of applied sciences) by the end of July 2012

The applicant must provide certification of being considered equivalent to a European Union Citizen, a photocopy of the residence permit (the residence permit carries the letter P) or a degree certificate from Finnish higher education institution.

Check also further information.

Aalto University Scholarships

Aalto University offers a limited number of scholarships for those students who are charged tuition fees (non-EU/EEA citizens, see exact details above) and who are selected to above mentioned programs. The scholarships will be allocated in order of merit.

Aalto University scholarship structure:

Scholarship category

Aalto contribution for covering tuition fee

Aalto contribution for covering living and other study expenses

Category A (Gold):


full scholarship: 16 000 EUR (2 x 8000 EUR/academic year)


16000 EUR(2 x 8000 EUR/academic year)

Category B (Silver):

full scholarship 16 000 EUR( 2 x 8000 EUR/academic year)



Category C (Bronze):

50% of full scholarship: 8000 EUR ( 2 x 4000 EUR /academic year)




The scholarship is allocated for a maximum of two academic years. For example, category A scholarship covers the tuition fee for two academic years and in addition, the student will receive a total of 16 000 EUR for covering the living and studying expenses for two academic years. Aalto University scholarship includes also insurance.

The application for the scholarship is included in the programme specific on-line application form (eAGE). The applicants for master's degree should fill in the on-line application form, available only during the application period 2 January - 15 February 2012. 

Erasmus Mundus Programs

Aalto University participates to five Erasmus Mundus programmes. In these programmes, there are scholarships both for European and non-European nationalities. The tuition fees, application deadlines and the requirements are programme specific, so check the individual websites for further information.

NordSecMob - Master’s Degree Programme in Security and Mobile Computing http://nordsecmob.tkk.fi/  

SpaceMaster - Master’s Degree Programme in Space Science and Technology http://spacemaster.eu/  

EMMEP – Master’s Degree Programme in Minerals and Environmental Engineering http://www.emmep.org/  

SELECT – Master’s Degree Programme in Environomical Pathways for Sustainable Energy Systems http://www.kth.se/en/studies/programmes/master/em/select  

euSYSBIO – Master’s Degree Programme in Computational and Systems Biology http://www.kth.se/en/studies/programmes/master/em/eusysbio  

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本科学位 相关背景,艺术专业要求作品,雅思6.5分