蕴藏在奈耶诺德大学(Nyenrode)那童话般的美丽风景之下的,是该校脚踏实地作的商业教育理念。从阿姆斯特丹南部驱车20分钟,就可以看到该校占地500英亩的大城堡,那里依旧保留着塔楼、护城河、吊桥的建筑风貌。这想必是世界上风景最为迷人的商学院之一了。奈耶诺德大学始建于1946年,是荷兰大型企业赞助的第一家商学院,其赞助公司包括壳牌(Shell)、飞利浦(Philips)、联合利华(Unilever)和阿克苏(Akzo)等。从建校至今,它始终坚持着一个目标:选拔出最优秀、最聪慧、同时兼具管理才能和开拓精神的学生。“培养创业管理人才是我们的使命。”奈耶诺德大学的校长赫曼•布鲁金克(Herman Bruggink)说。
The program structure is shown below, together with an explanation of module titles:
Term 1 |
Term 2 |
Term 3 |
English & Skills for Undergraduate Study 1 (6 ECT) |
English & Skills for Undergraduate Study 2 (6 ECT) |
Applied Academic Writing (6 ECT) |
Mathematics & Statistics (6 ECT) |
Principles of Marketing (6 ECT) |
Introduction to the Global Economy (6 ECT) |
Business Skills (6 ECT) |
Financial Markets & International Regulation (6 ECT) |
Human Resource Management (6 ECT) |
Project for Undergraduate Study (6 ECT) |
English & Skills for Undergraduate Study 1 (6 ECT)
You will follow a language program that allows you to develop the English skills you need to succeed with your other modules, building from an entry point equivalent of IELTS 5.0 to IELTS 5.5.
English & Skills for Undergraduate Study 2 (6 ECT)
You will follow-on from English & Skills for Undergraduate Study 1, allowing you to further the language skills you need to succeed on your preferred degree.
Applied Academic Writing (6 ECT)
You are encouraged to enhance your academic writing skills through this module which follows a weekly cycle of instructions from your tutor, an academic writing task and feedback from the tutor.
Mathematics & Statistics (6 ECT)
This module ensures that you are able to cope with the math's required for the study of statistics, accounting, finance and economics. Once your mathematical fundamentals are sound, you will explore the world of statistics and conduct your first research project.
Principles of Marketing (6 ECT)
You will receive an introduction to the fundamental concepts and principles that underpin the marketing process. It examines the role and practice of marketing within a changing business environment and provides an overview of contemporary marketing.
Introduction to the Global Economy (6 ECT)
We will introduce you to the concept of ‘Globalization’ and the basics of the study of economics and business strategy. You will study economic aspects and effects of globalization and consider the means by which this influences business strategy.
Business Skills (6 ECT)
You will develop a business understanding of fundamental skills as well as the personal, interpersonal and entrepreneurial skills required in a real-world business environment. This module encourages you to develop your IT and entrepreneurial skills through an applied approach involving team-work, presenting solutions and business problem-solving.
Financial Markets & International Regulation (6 ECT)
You will be provided with an overview of business law and accounting conventions, ensuring that you are aware of the basic frameworks that govern the operation of any business enterprise. This module provides an overview of modern financial systems and the institutional framework that underpins them.
Human Resource Management (6 ECT)
You will develop knowledge in relation to key ideas and issues related to Human Resource Management. You will review the theory and practice of Human Resource Management in the modern business context.
Project for Undergraduate Study (6 ECT)
This module allows you to develop the skills of an independent learner over the length of your course in a supported way, allowing you to focus on a topic that will be relevant to your future degree studies.