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2012-05-12 11:25 作者:admin 浏览:

 英国景致:前两个星期,我们去了Hide Park,British Museum,Windsor Castle,London Eye,River Thames,Madame Tussauds,The Sherlock Holms Museum221B等等著名的景点。结束了两个星期的课程,我们开始了前往苏格兰的旅程。
   一路上,我们先去了Cam Bridge,参观了数学桥,三一学院,那是牛顿曾经学习的地方,在三一学院门口,种了一棵小苹果树,据说那是从牛顿家苹果园里摘了个最大最红的苹果,从 苹果里拿了颗苹果种子种在三一学院门口纪念牛顿。我很喜欢Cam Bridge的氛围,里面并不像国内的校园那样全是高科技仪器和建筑,Cam Bridge里的所有建筑都充满了复古的味道,都是用以前的建筑组合而成的学院。在里面的学习步调没有那么沉重、快节奏,学生们哼着歌骑着自行车悠闲地在 校园里逛。这是我最爱的。
    然后我们又去了蜡像馆,里面分五个馆,我在里面看到了很多逼真的名人,Lady Gaga,奥巴马,Justin Bieber,贝克汉姆等等。精致的做工足以跟真人媲美。随后我们又去了The Sherlock Holms Museum221B,看到了福尔摩斯和华生的住所,福尔摩斯的房子很整洁,有很多实验用的仪器和实验用的东西还有很多模型。 


    学习心得到英国以后,前两个星期都在Oxford College上课。每天早上六点起床,偶尔会赖床一小下,七点吃早饭,七点半从家和Odea,Darcy乘地铁去Modern集合,上午从九点开始上课十二点下课,中间有15minutes的break time,中午有半小时的lunch time,homestay每天都会给我们准备sandwich,十二点半开始下半天的课,三点半结束一天的课。     We met at our first teacher Mr.Rcd. When we came into the classroom, Rcd sat in the classroom. He greeted us warmly. Then he moved the chairs like a circle. He did an introduction. He said his name is Rcd. After his introduction, he asked us many questions about ourselves. For example, where were we from, what's your school name. When we answered his questions, he always wore a smile. If we didn't understand his meaning or didn't know how to answer his questions, he will repeat his words and wait our answer with smiling. I think is a good idea. Every lessons he let us chat with each other. He liked listening to our words and finding our mistakes. While we made mistakes, he did a note. After we talked, he wrote a lot of things on the blackboard, they're our mistakes. He told us to read the sentences he write and find where was wrong. I liked his way. I think it's a good way to remember our mistakes and remember not to make them again. Rcd always wore smiling. He gave me a feeling of sunshine. I liked him.     Elizabeth was our another teacher. She was beautiful and she was slim. She told us that she came from America. She didn't like we played our mobile phones in her class. She always gave us some paper. There are some questions on the paper. We had many three-people teams. She told us to answer the questions alone. After answering the questions alone, we talked with each other in our team. Then she talked with us about the right answer. She also liked playing word games with us. She said a word and we spelled or she said a word and we said something about the word. I had good time with her.     I liked English lessons. It's more interesting than Chinese lessons. I want to study in the UK.I love here.     UK, wait for me. I will go back there again.