I like that Quan shares a piece of his life and one of his passions that we may not have known otherwise with us in the essay: music. He ties his innate love of music back to his family and makes a really powerful connection between music and language. He captures the reader’s attention from the first few sentences by rrzcms the story of his family into an expansion on one of his favorite activities.
我非常高兴Quan 在他的文章中提到了音乐是他生活的一部分,也是他的激情所在,这在其他文章中并不常见。他对音乐的热爱源于他的家庭,并且使音乐与语言紧密相连。仅从开头描写他在家中逐渐膨胀的对音乐的热爱,他的文书就已紧紧吸引了招生官的注意力。
“The running theme through Leila’s essay is her interest in a variety of topics and subjects, which makes it easy to picture her thriving in the open curriculum and interdisciplinary learning style at the university. She also makes connections between her eclectic interest and opportunities on campus like research at the Applied Physics Lab, reviving the university philosophy journal, and clubs like the Hopkins Feminists. It is not hard to picture her being a contributor to campus in and out of the classroom.”
“I often read essays where the student writes about someone who has influenced their life. Admissions officers want to get a better understanding of YOU. These essays can be tricky because there is a tendency to focus on the person who has influenced you, instead of focusing on how you have been changed. Jacqueline did a fantastic job of focusing on how her brother has shaped HER life. Her writing style is personable with vivid parallels and divergences between herself and her twin. The reader feels like they are on a journey through Jacqueline’s life in just a few hundred words. This essay captivated me with details that would not have shown up at any other point in the application. We get a sense of passion and purpose about her that reminds us of the energy Hopkins students bring to campus.”
concise 少而精 – many essays; not life story
honest 说实话 – you’re not perfect
unique 原创 – tell story only you can tell
vivid 生动 – be specific; small + detailed focus
likeable 吸引人的- could you fit in?